Burstow Park School


I am pleased to welcome you to Burstow Park School and Blended Learning Centre.  Burstow Park School is the product of over 25 years of working with children who have special educational needs or disabilities, and their families.  With a passion for personalised learning and working in a child-centred way, I have been able to use my wealth of experience as a consultant to Local Authorities to develop an educational provision which meets the true needs of children and families, especially where mainstream education is not easily accessible to them. 

I am keen that we recognise the pivotal role that parents, carers and other professionals involved with supporting your child, play in supporting your child’s education. Bearing this in mind, we seek to build a strong partnership with you from before your child even starts with us.

Our staff are our biggest asset.  I am personally involved with each and every appointment, regardless of role. Only those with the right skill-set, ethos and understanding of how to work with children and young people who have social, emotional or mental health needs, join our highly-skilled team.  All our staff are specialists – specialist leaders of education, subject specialists, and specialists in supporting your child to reach their full potential.

I offer you a warm welcome to our school and look forward to working with you and your child in the future.

Dr Emma Slaughter EdD, MA, BSc, NPQICL
